
dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2016


Our e-twinning Project of the academic year 2015-2016 is due to finish.

But, before, we need to conclude our last final task related to the local company we visited a week ago.

Now we are working with the presentation of the local company. This week, each group is going to finish the presentation about Ca’s Sucrer or Gin Xoriguer.

Then, next week, the groups will record a video explaining their presentations.

Once, finished, we need to watch the videos from our German Colleagues and try to find out the answer for the question that are in each presentation of each local company.

In the middle of March, our students and the German ones will be doing a Skype in order to talk about the presentation of the local companies and all together will be answering the questions there are in the presentations of our colleagues. The German students will tell us if our answers are correct or not and, we will do the same with the answer that the German student will have provided to us.

Finally, in April, after the Easter Holidays, we will work on the spots of our local companies and, we will record the spot too.

Then, at the end of that month, we will watch all the spots uploaded to the E-twinning platform and, of course, we are will choose the best one!!!

dimecres, 17 de febrer del 2016


Un grup d’alumnes dels cicles formatius de grau mitjà i superior d’Administració ha assistit a la trobada anual d’empreses simulades organitzada per la plataforma “Empresaula”, celebrada a l’auditori AXA de Barcelona els dies 16 i 17 de febrer. En aquest esdeveniment hi han participat 43 centres i 126 empreses, que han agrupat un total de 1.163 persones entre estudiants, professors i visitants.

 Els nostres estudiants de 2n d’Administració i Finances han guanyat el segon premi del concurs de minipresentacions  (elevator pitch) que s’ha dut a terme en el marc d’aquesta trobada, participant amb l’empresa simulada TIPIC.

A més, el grup ha aprofitat la trobada per participar en el networking i així establir relacions comercials amb les altres empreses assistents.

 Empresaula és una xarxa social d’empreses simulades a Internet creades i gestionades per estudiants d’ensenyaments de grau mitjà i superior de FP a la qual participen els nostres alumnes amb les empreses TIPIC (grau superior)   i TASTA MENORCA (grau mitjà).

dimarts, 16 de febrer del 2016


For this activity, students and teachers have initially chose the following representative companies of the local business of Menorca: Gin Xoriguer, Lloc de Menorca and Ca’s Sucrer. Finally, as we are only seven students in class, we decided only to make the task related to two of those three companies, due to the fact that the team work needed to be at least of three people. The final chose companies were Ca’s Sucrer and Gin Xoriguer.

The, at random we chose three students to be the owners to make the presentation of the company “Gin Xoriguer”, whose names are Jordi, Albert and Nicole and four students to be the ones in charges to make the presentation of the company “Ca’s Sucrer”, whose names are Marc, Joselín, Ana and Gemma

In each of the companies, the members of the group had already gathered information from their webpages related to them and then they went to visit the companies with teachers to take some photographs and get much more information in order to fulfil the assignment properly.

With all the information that now the members of the groups have of each company, each group will make a Power Point, a video or a Prezy’s  presentation that will include at least: some photos of the company, a photograph of all the components of the group, some video, the voice of each member of the group talking at least once, free music and, of course, these information related the company (company’s overview, history, economic activity, distribution’s system of its products, marketing’s process, and three questions to ask to the other students related to the company's presentation

The visit to Ca's Sucrer
Ca's Sucrer is located in Es Mercadal, a small town in the center of the island of Menorca. Five generations of craftsmen, since 1875, endorse and give name to the product better representation of Menorcan pastries.

During this time they have been preserving and transmitting ancestral way of recipes from father to son, without ever losing enthusiasm for maintaining the quality of our products. Products such as "carquinyols", "pastissets" or "ensaimades”.

The visit to Gin Xoriguer
Xoriguer is the name of the old windmill, built in 1784, in which many generations of the Pons family had converted bushels of wheat into white flour.
Miquel Pons Justo heir to a long tradition of craftsmen, wanted to put these traditional values of quality and refinement to use in his liquor company, and for this he chose as an emblem not only the name but also the image of the century-old family business: the graceful windmill with its wind-sails
Gin Xoriguer ceased to be merely a local curiosity and became a product with a widening reach, opening the way in the market with its quality and attractive bottling.
Due to its origins, traditions and Mediterranean characteristics, Gin Xoriguer has gained recognition throughout the CEE being denominated a guaranteed traditional specialty or specific.

Elaborating's process

Bottling's process
Storage's place
Shop in Maó