
dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2015

Playing CLUE....

The first week of the academic year for the students of Administration Vocational Training's High Grade, both the students of first year and the ones of second year, joined together to play Clue during the timetable of Computing for the first year of High School and Company's Simulation for the second year of High School.

The main reason for doing this activity, which was organized by the teacher of those two subjects, was because both groups are studying this year one subject of their syllabus in English: the students of first year are attending Computing in English and then the students of second year are learning Companies' Simulation in English too.

Just to remember in what does this game consist of, just let me to explain you that Clue is a popular board game, originally produced by Parker Brothers, that has been a family and friends favorite game for decades. 

The main object of the game is to solve a murder just asking and answering those questions: Who is each member playing the game? Which relation do you have with the protagonist of the game? What were you doing exactly the time when the main character was killed? With what weapon did you kill him/her? Where did you killed the main character?  As you make suggestions about the murder suspect, weapon, and location, you will eliminate possibilities and get closer to the truth.

So, the steps to following when we played this game were the ones that are now mentioned:
1. Unfold your Clue game board and place it on your playing surface.
2. Place all of the characters, places and where were you when the protagonist was killed.
3. Let students ask question related to him/her identification, his/her relationship between the person who ere killed, his/her location when the crime took place, his/her possible weapon..between among others questions that you can feel comfortable doing as to try to guess who was the murderer.
4.Reveal the name of the murderer.

After one hour playing the game, students started to feel more confident and comfortable when explaining the subject, which was the main purpose of this game due to the fact that they need to speak, ask and answer doubts and questions in English during all the year in those two subjects.

All the students liked a lot and, of course, they had a different but wonderful beginning of the academic year.

Participants: Students of the first year and second year of Administration Vocational Training High School.
Teachers: Bàrbara Vives and Margarita Font
Game: Clue

dilluns, 21 de setembre del 2015

En el marc de l'inici del curs 2015-2016 dels cicles formatius d'Administració i Gestió, el primer dia  de curs, el 21 de setembre de 2015, els alumnes dels cicles de grau mitjà i superior  van assistir a una xerrada d'un ex-alumne de l’IES, en RAMON SINTES, que va cursar el cicle de grau mitjà de Gestió Administrativa l'any 2008 i que, després de seguir formant-se a distància, va crear, juntament amb un altre soci de Murcia, una empresa online, ara fa aproximadament un any i mig. 

Aquesta xerrada es va realitzar a l'IES M. ÀNGELS CARDONA i en Ramon ens va contar la seva experiència personal com emprenedor i la tasca que desenvolupa, amb el seu soci murcià, a l'empresa CHEQUEALO.ES, que té com a objectiu bàsic el de fomentar el turisme i el comerç a les Illes, treballant des de i per a Balears, convidant a conèixer les meravelles de les Illes, oferint grans avantatges i descomptes per a tots els usuaris.

Després de la conferència els alumnes van poder formular preguntes i en Ramon va arribar a la síntesis de que per ser emprenedor, com per a qualsevol cosa a la vida, s’han de perseguir els propis somnis, sempre tenint en compte que la formació abans, durant i després d’aquest camí és primordial.