
dilluns, 18 de gener del 2016



Just more or less one week after our re-start of the lessons after Christmas, the Etwinning project of this academic year 2015-16 is ongoing.

Our students and the German ones have been during Christmas choosing a current new from the Internet new's webpages, which take their attention.

Each German student or each pair of German students have choosen a new in English for each Spanish student.
In addition, each Spanish student havs choosen a new in Spanish for each German student or each pair of German students.
Here you have the Padlet created by the both groups of students to make let the others know which was the new they are working on.

Spanish students Padlet:

German students Padlet:

Then, during last week, all of us have go further on and read and understand the new in order to make a conceptual map to finish that activity.
The Spanish students, will be do the conceptual map using computing tools, such as CmapTools programme.
But then, they also want to show their creativity and make this by hand using colorful pages and handmade writings.
The conceptual map will be BILINGUAL: Spanish and English

In following entries, we would upload these new's conceptual maps.

Looking forward to see the results!!!!